Return to Womb with Suki Scamp

Return to Womb with Suki Scamp


Suki grew up in Queensland, Australia, lover of nature & the ocean is now living in London. Though the London city life can be very different to that of the coast of Australia,  Suki ritualises her life to stay connected to Mother Earth. 

What does your Moon Oil ritual look like Suki? 

"Tutti Moon Oil serves as a powerful tool for connection & intention 🌀 Before my bleed, I apply the Moon Oil to my lower abdomen & pulse points, creating a sense of grounding and calm. This helps me attune to my body's rhythms, fostering self-care as I prepare for menstruation. 

During my bleed, the Moon Oil creates a soothing and supportive ritual that honours my body. This mindful and gentle application serves as a practice that embraces the ebb and flow of my menstrual cycle. As well as the oil, I light candles and play soft music. This allows me to reflect on my emotions and insights that arise during this time. 

During the full moon, I incorporate the oil to enhance rituals of release and renewal. The energy of the full moon combined with the Moon Oil helps me amplify my intentions for the cycle". 


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