My name is Sourita, you may have seen my name pop up here and there or read pieces written by me in the past or maybe you haven’t. Well I am one of Lauren’s (founder of Tutti) close friends and have been working along side her creating for Tutti for the last 4 and a bit years.
I’ve been intentionally manifesting for a couple years now through visualisation techniques, writing, vision boards, burning bay leaves & mantras but that’s pretty much the most I do. But the other day my friend reminded me of the power of what lays in between my legs, my menstrual blood for manifestation.
Based on my research I discovered that information on blood magick was not as accessible. As I assumed would be hidden knowledge preserved only for those initiated. But I wasn’t interested in that kind of work, I just wanted to understand more about the potency of my own menstrual blood and how I could be further ritualising my period for connection, empowerment & intuition.
Debunking WitchCraft
Period blood is very powerful and potent and has been used for centuries in rituals and blood magic. In ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder claimed that menstrual blood possessed limitless powers. It was believed that a menstruating woman could ward off natural disasters like hailstorms, whirlwinds, and lightning. In North America, the Cherokee people traditionally believed that menstrual blood endowed women with unique powers, enabling them to defeat their enemies and protect their people.
The heavily connotated word, Witchcraft derived from a history of colonialism & white supremacist order used for oppression. This term was used to demonise woman who were connected to their bodies, sexuality, wombs and their power. And it worked. As for the last 1000 or so years we had learnt being connected to our bodies was wrong, was bad, having traditional, rituals and ceremonies were barbaric. We have been completely brainwashed which reflects true in the imprints of our history, from the wombs of our Mothers and Grandmothers who carried us with them.
The very reason there is still a lot of taboo around periods is because as Alexandra Pope, founder of Red School and co-author of Wild Power, observes, “In cultures where women were seen as virtuous, menstruation was considered something sacred. In cultures where women were seen as a threat, menstruation was demonized.”
Light or Dark magic?
Yes there is both light and dark magic but I’m not here to share dark magic. There is nothing to be afraid of as this is simply the dualistic nature of life. In all aspects of life there is always it’s opposite and the key to working with light magic is working through the heart and good intention.
TIP when I am doing any kind of manifestation / spell work I always hold the intention to ask for something through love and light and clearly specify that my wishes be granted never at the expense of someone else’s loss or suffering.
Be intuitive about your practice & remember your blood is your own, it holds your essence. Remember your truth, connect to your highest self, the empress, the nymph, fairy, high priestess, the maiden, mother, sage, queen, lover or whoever it is during your practice.
Blood magick is incredibly potent. Blood bonds with the intentions behind your spell, so it’s important to proceed with caution. While not all spells need blood, incorporating it into a spell will undoubtedly amplify its effects.
Ways you could be using your menstrual blood
- Writing your manifestations with your blood
- Offer your blood to your altar
- Gift your blood back to Mother Earth in gratitude. Menstrual blood is incredibly nourishing for plants, and can be added to the soil both inside and out to feed your green friends.
- Anointing your blood on your third eye to enhance your intuition and connection to self & source in meditation
- Adding drops to spellwork (manifestation, abundance, protection spells)
What is witchcraft, if not a practice of dismantling what society has erased to gain power, while also challenging what has been enforced to control it? Menstrual blood magick and menstrual awareness, in this regard, are acts of revolution—entering into a intentional relationship with your menstrual blood is a way to honor your natural bodily rhythm and intuition, reject shame, share your gifts & medicine and reconnect with a rich history of menstrual rituals.