Collective stories, wisdom & information.

The interconnectedness of Dance, Our Wombs & Wo...
I am speaking on the art of belly dancing—an ancient, ritual dance that originates from ancient Egypt and has slowly made its way into the roots of Arabic culture. In...
The interconnectedness of Dance, Our Wombs & Wo...
I am speaking on the art of belly dancing—an ancient, ritual dance that originates from ancient Egypt and has slowly made its way into the roots of Arabic culture. In...
What can we learn from the Libra Full Moon
Have you been feeling out of alignment? Drained? Confused? Overwhelmed with all the emotions that have come to light in the past week. It’s safe to say you’re not the...
What can we learn from the Libra Full Moon
Have you been feeling out of alignment? Drained? Confused? Overwhelmed with all the emotions that have come to light in the past week. It’s safe to say you’re not the...
Benefits of our Moon Oil for pregnancy
Growing and nourishing a baby in our utero can be a challenge with all the miraculous changes our bodies go through, so to ensure maternal well-being and the growth...
Benefits of our Moon Oil for pregnancy
Growing and nourishing a baby in our utero can be a challenge with all the miraculous changes our bodies go through, so to ensure maternal well-being and the growth...
Healing our sacred womb-heart connection
According to Chinese Medicine there is a channel linking both the heart and womb creating a strong circuit in women and people. The heart and womb share a symbiotic relationship...
Healing our sacred womb-heart connection
According to Chinese Medicine there is a channel linking both the heart and womb creating a strong circuit in women and people. The heart and womb share a symbiotic relationship...
Lymphatic massage - a self-practice guide to he...
Lymphatic massage is a gentle skin massage where the skin is gently stretched and released following the lymph pathways. Gentle stimulation of the lymphatic system increases the flow through the...
Lymphatic massage - a self-practice guide to he...
Lymphatic massage is a gentle skin massage where the skin is gently stretched and released following the lymph pathways. Gentle stimulation of the lymphatic system increases the flow through the...